Map for UHCW
Foundation Programme - Here you will find information about how to apply to the 2-year Foundation Programme and Stand-alone programmes.
GMC Website - The General Medical Council (GMC) help to protect patients and improve medical education and practice in the UK by setting standards for students and doctors. (GMC) support them in achieving and exceeding those standards, and take action when they are not met.
How to book a Simulation session UHCW
Medical Education Teaching Sessions - Find all your teaching sessions here.
NHS Health Careers - Everyone needs to know the practicalities before choosing a new career such as where you might work and how to apply, not to mention the pay and benefits.
PSW Website (Professional Support and Wellbeing) - Health Education England West Midlands are committed to providing excellent training and education for Postgraduate Doctors and Dentists in training. Postgraduate Doctors and Dentists in training may complete training without the need for extra support but occasionally some will need additional support to help them through difficult situations such as health issues, challenges with passing exams, concerns regarding training progression and/or significant life events.
West Midlands Deanery Website - Health Education England Midlands aim to offer medical and dental trainees the highest quality training, supervision and support. They believe excellence in education and training is at the heart of delivering excellent patient care.
Vocation Training Scheme - If you are new to the scheme congratulations on getting through the first hurdles of recruitment and selection. If you are mid-course, welcome to our new website. You will by now have realised that 'times they are a changing' and one of the key attributes to being a GP is knowing how to deal with that change and accompanying uncertainty. The Educators of West Midlands also find change challenging, but we are determined to help you transform into confident, competent General Practitioners. We are here to help you and hope you find the new website engaging and interactive.
Clinical Group and Leadership Chart - Clinical Group Chart