Advanced Cases 1 (AC1)
AC1 is a 12 week block at the start of the second year (Phase II) of MBChB course. AC1 builds on from Phase 1 Bedside Teaching and will form the basis of history taking and clinical examination for CCE.
One of the objectives of AC1 is exposure to the wider clinical environment especially in how health care is delivered within a large organisation such as the NHS. Another objective is to gain a deeper understanding of the patients journey through the complex healthcare system and this is where the CLO’s (Clinical Learning Opportunities) factor in.
Engagement Criteria for Trust-Based Sessions:
Completion of 5 bedside teaching sessions
Completion of 1 Outpatient Clinic CLO (Clinical Learning Opportunity)
Completion of 1 Theatre CLO
Completion of 3 Additional CLOs to include e.g.allied health professionals, clinical nurse specialists and non-medical support services
1 x Case Based Discussion (CBD) with a health care professional who is not a doctor.
Completion of the following Clinical Skills Sessions and/or TDOCs:
Venepuncture / blood cultures / ANTT
Peripheral IV cannulation
Basic airway management
In hospital resuscitation & automated external defibrillation
Moving & Handling
Nutritional Assessment – E-Learning module
Bedside Teaching
Bedside Teaching at UHCW prides itself on small group interactive clinical teaching with patients at the centre of the learning experience. Groups are usually limited in size and supervised by two tutors working as a pair.
Over AC1 there will be 5 sessions each lasting 3 and half hours with a combination of theoretical learning and practical teaching at the bedside. Each session will have an introduction led by the tutor and will be ended with a debrief by the tutor. Students are encouraged to prepare for the session beforehand with the CHESS book. Learning outcomes are structured to the MBChB curriculum and students are encouraged to regularly recap the learning outcomes so maximum opportunity can be made of the clinical learning at UHCW.
Bedside Teaching Structure