ICT access will be provided when you first join for CCE and you will have the same access/login for the rest of your curriculum whilst at UHCW.
If you are unable to remember your login details and are returning to the Trust within your cohort period, then you should contact the ICT ServiceDesk in the first instance (0247696800).
We usually have students who haven't used their login for a certain amount of time and depending on the time requires different actions. If you haven't used your account for 90 days, then your account will be made Inactive. This will require you to call ICT so it can be re-enabled by a member of staff. You must advise them you are a medical student who needs their account reactivated as you are returning to the trust and cannot remember your details and the password will need to be reset.
The other problem medical students have is when accounts haven't been used within 2 years and they have therefore been Archived. This will require a member of staff from the Undergraduate Team to submit a service request form so a new account can be created. So please get in touch with us if your account has been archived Undergraduatemeded@uhcw.nhs.uk.