Phase III O&G SCP blocks will consist of a general/departmental introduction, a few sessions of core teaching and time spent in the clinical setting at UHCW.
The aims of the block are:
- Maintain basic clinical skills
- History taking
- Obstetric and gynaecological examination
- Clinical judgement & management
- Knowledge acquisition
- Common obstetric / gynaecological problems
- Management of emergencies (O&G)
- Participate in workplace learning
- Present cases
- Join in on ward rounds
- Scrub up in theatres (O&G)
- Gain insight and understanding
- Managerial
- Social
- Ethical / Legal
Students Responsibility:
• Attend and participate in the varied range of clinical exposure
• Achieve the Block objectives, plus build on your general course objectives
• Pursue self-directed study, especially for knowledge acquisition.
• Ensure ALL competencies are signed off in the portfolio workbook.
• Organise your own programme and record all learning in the portfolio workbook (we expect your logbook to show a MINIMUM of 40 - 42 clinical sessions over 6 weeks).
The principles we will be trying to work to are as follows:
1. We want to get you working as part of the team in the acute setting. After O&G, when we next see you, you will be FY1s. In parts of the timetable, we will be encouraging you to work like a Foundation doctor, under supervision. When in the acute setting, you should not be apologetic for being there, but should feel comfortable to throw yourself in as a useful part of the team. We have asked that Doctor’s & midwives take you in the room and introduce you as “This is Robert, a medical student working with me today”, rather than “Are you OK with a medical student coming in to watch?” Let me know if this is not happening.
2. We want to let students see the entire breadth of the specialty. It is facile to think that one exposure to something boring will empower you to give detailed reassurance to women for the rest of your career! Much more important is to hear the discussion of patients in the MDT of the sub-specialties. Therefore we expect that all students will attend general ANC, GOPD, on call duties in obstetrics and gynaecology; will observe deliveries with the midwives and attend MDTs, etc. Your schedule will be timetabled and fixed following suggestions from recent feedback, and your Consultants will be instrumental in teaching and advising you during this period.
3. The arrangements for numbers of students per consultant vary at each unit but the consultant supervisor’s general roles are:
• Check your portfolio workbook and review your progress
• Assist you in completing OSLERS
• Check that you are having your competencies signed off
• Sign you off at the end of the attachment (week 5-6) using your portfolio workbook as your evidence that you have done the required work
4. Although 97% of you will not stay in O&G, and for most the objective of this block is to pass the exam, we do consider many of the skills acquired in O&G to be transferable across a number of specialities including GP practice. In the exam, you have to take a history, do an examination, and explain the rationale behind investigations and management. So, if you build this into your training, this can eventually be time neutral. From the start, practice these skills.
5. You have University teaching and, in addition, all of the sites will arrange tutorials to cover your curriculum during the block. We have added e-modules to complement the tutorials and lectures provided. We expect 80% attendance.
May I take this opportunity to welcome you to Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
Ms Vandana Dhingra
Consultant Obstetrician
O&G Block Lead at UHCW